Taking It To The Next Level

Hello my brother’s and sister’s in Christ, I just wanted to share with you and want you to know just when you feel that you’ve exhausted all of your abilities to deal with your teenager(s), make it an appoint to have quality time to share God’s word.  Make it a daily thing and have discussions and a forum of topics.  This is also good for all of your children.  This gives an opportunity to invite what is on your child or children’s mind. You wouldn’t believe the questions that are ask and the blessed discussions you and your child/children will talk about.  You will be amazed at what they know and how they open up.  It’s the interest in THEM and seeing that Mom, or Mom and Dad or just Dad are taking the time not only to involve them in God’s word but to also allow them to be appreciated and believing in what they do.  You will be surprised.  Be blessed!