Don’t Give Up Hope

It’s a wonder why we don’t go stir crazy in these days and times. The economy is on an uprise of inflation, unemployment is high, some can barely keep food on the table and some are on the benge of being homeless.  What about you? How do you foresee your future?  What are your circumstances? Do you handle your problems on your own? Do you find yourself being alone? Well let me tell you that God is there waiting for you.  Don’t feel as if you are needing to fight your battles alone.  Don’t feel that you are to handle your problems for yourself. Surrender your circumstances to God. Put your trust and faith in Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 says: Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not only on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will direct your path. God also said in Psalms 55:22 “Cast your cares upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” Remain prayerful fellow readers.  Be blessed.Image

Taking It To The Next Level

Hello my brother’s and sister’s in Christ, I just wanted to share with you and want you to know just when you feel that you’ve exhausted all of your abilities to deal with your teenager(s), make it an appoint to have quality time to share God’s word.  Make it a daily thing and have discussions and a forum of topics.  This is also good for all of your children.  This gives an opportunity to invite what is on your child or children’s mind. You wouldn’t believe the questions that are ask and the blessed discussions you and your child/children will talk about.  You will be amazed at what they know and how they open up.  It’s the interest in THEM and seeing that Mom, or Mom and Dad or just Dad are taking the time not only to involve them in God’s word but to also allow them to be appreciated and believing in what they do.  You will be surprised.  Be blessed!

The Importance Of Godly Influence

You may not recognize it fellow Christians but you may recall the phrase “Be careful of the company you keep” or “Birds of a feather flock together”?  Well, it is a true fact.  We often wonder why our ways are not the ways of God.  Instead of you being an influence on others as you should be as a Christian, sometimes that influence of your company or should I say “friends” can be an impact on YOU.  If you surround yourself with friends that are positive, encouraging, lifts you up when you are down and demonstrate Godly ways, then your life will grow into a manner that is pleasing to God and enhance your abilities to achieve in God’s ways and grow in His word.  If you are surrounded by those that are critical, manipulative, showing you ways that are displeasing to the Lord, you will find yourself losing yourself and become adament to God’s word.  Take it from a person that knows.  I’ve experienced this from both worlds and it was truly a learning experience.  God intervened and I surrendered and left those foes to be foes among themselves.  It is important to pray for those that are lost so they can experience God’s awaiting love.  Be blessed!

Getting Your God On

Good morning my brother’s and sister’s in Christ,

Talking about getting my groove on, I often have this upbeat spirit among myself to motivate and put out the best and never my less.  Just because you are a Christian, that does not mean you have to be a real fuddy duddy or act like you are wearing a Halo over your head.  God allows us to have a sense of humor in retrospect of living out His Word. I love to have fun in ways that are pleasing to the Lord.  I don’t let the world control me, I allow God to control my every move.  I do love music all the way around.  I grew up loving all types of music and still do.  Anywhere from classical to loud rock!  Sometimes I have to come to grips in what I listen to because I want God’s acclamation.  I don’t want the poison of certain words living in my head.  All in all, be yourself, and everything will fall into play.  Have FUN in God’s love!  Be blessed!